Saturday, September 6, 2008

Preschool begins!

Cooper and Peyton started preschool this week too!
Peyton's comments: "It's too short."
Cooper's comments: "It's so fun."

Soccer Dudes!

Peyton and Cooper started soccer last week. Their first game was AWESOME!

Peyton scored three goals! (One for the other team...)

Cooper had an awesome game of monkey-see-monkey-do going on. Attached to Peyton's hip, he did everything Peyton did. It was adorable!!!

Peyton loses the training wheels!

Check it out, Peyton's first training wheel free bike ride.

Binky FREEDOM!!!!

Pixie (AKA Ashley the binky junkie) is officially binky free!!!

One forelorn night, when little pix woke up crying because she had lost her binky in the covers, Mom and Craig just couldn't find it. We convinced her to go back to sleep and we'd look for it the next morning. The next morning.... the binky just couldn't be found.

We said: "The binky fairies must have come in the night and taken your bink because you are a big girl now."

It took her a minute to buy it, and only one dramatic bedtime filled with aligator tears. We're binky free and haven't looked back!

My how the time flies....

What a summer it has been.

Peyton, Ashley and I moved to Wichita.

Josie and Brittan were world travelers.

Oh, not to mention the little detail of Craig and I getting married!

We're happy to have you along with us on our journey.

The Schmitz Bunch